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Basics for Beginners

Resources and tools for those just starting out.

Barn in forested valley

Agriculture is an inherently risky business. Some risks are everyday business risks; some risks are brought on by natural disasters. Producers need to regularly manage for financial, marketing, production, human, and legal risks.

USDA offers tools to assist producers as they meet these planning needs. One of the most important tools is federal crop insurance. Through the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, USDA provides crop insurance to American farmers and ranchers to help them manage risks on their operations. There are many types of insurance products available for a wide variety of production practices, including organic and sustainable agriculture.

As a new farmer or rancher, there is a lot of information available through USDA. A great way to start your journey is to visit Also be sure to review information on federal crop insurance provided in this Basics for Beginners.

Below are pages to help you learn about federal crop insurance: