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  • Q Where is WFRP Available?

    WFRP is available in all 50 states and all counties within each state. WFRP is the only crop insurance product with nationwide availability.
  • Q How and where do I purchase WFRP insurance?

    WFRP is available for purchase from your local crop insurance agent. A list of crop insurance agents is available at all USDA Service Centers and online at the RMA Agent Locator. These agents work for AIPs that have reinsurance agreements with the RMA.
  • Q Where can I get more information about WFRP?

    More information about WFRP and premium quotes can be obtained from a Federal crop insurance agent. There is an agent locator on the web site at Agent Locator Page. WFRP program information can also be found on the RMA web site at Insurance Policies.
  • Q What is the last date to purchase (sales closing date) WFRP?

    Sales closing dates (SCD) are the same as other spring crop SCDs applicable for your county and will be January 31, February 28, or March 15.

    Farm tax records are used to determine the amount of insurance under WFRP. Some producers file their taxes on a Calendar basis and some file their taxes on a Fiscal Year basis. WFRP needs to be purchased at the same time regardless of how taxes are filed, as shown in the following examples:

    Example: A Calendar Year tax filer’s tax year for 2017 begins January 1, 2017. WFRP must be purchased on or before the county SCD in 2017 (i.e., January 31, February 28, or March 15, 2017).
    Example: Fiscal Year tax filers, must purchase their WFRP policy by the SCD in the year that corresponds to the year in which the tax year begins. In this example the Fiscal tax year is July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018. WFRP must be purchased on or before the county SCD in 2017 (i.e., January 31, February 28, or March 15, 2017).

    Consult a crop insurance agent or check the Actuarial Information Browser on the RMA website to find the SCD for your county. Additional information can be found on the Actuarial Information Browser page on the RMA website.