Crops  Insured Acres Total Acres Percent Insured
 Apples 936 967 97%
 Barley 7,310 19,280 38%
 Corn 329,399 395,268 83%
 Cucumbers 1,117 1,424 78%
 Forage Production 0 10,486 0%
 Forage Seeding 0 N/A N/A
 Fresh Market Sweet Corn 24 1,484 2%
 Fresh Market Tomatoes 32 173 18%
 Grain Sorghum 4,532 6,921 65%
 Grapes 34 203 17%
 Green Peas 1,400 2,607  54%
 Oats 83 734 11%
 Peaches 354 448 79%
 Potatoes 2,091 2,125 98%
 Processing Beans 3,366 4,379 77%
 Processing Sweet Corn 2,730 6,196 44%
 Processing Tomatoes 40 107 37%
 Soybeans 405,458 511,140 79%
 Tobacco – Maryland 0 N/A N/A
 Wheat 95,002 130,877 73%
Crop Pilot Programs
 Program County Availability Total Liability
 Apiculture (Rainfall Index) All Counties  $459,692
 Pasture, Rangeland, Forage (Rainfall Index) All Counties $586,818
 Whole-Farm Revenue Protection All Counties $3,454,732
 Dollar Liability Program Total Dollar Liability
 Livestock Gross Margin – Dairy Cattle $585,780
 Livestock Gross Margin – Swine $0
 Nursery $35,270,984
15 Year Crop Insurance History for Maryland
Year Policies Earning Premium Net Acres Insured Liability Gross Premium Losses Loss Ratio
 2004 4,323  751,745  194,854,089  16,342,532  2,670,578  0.16
 2005 4,179 750,327 175,576,930 15,005,332 4,371,124 0.29
 2006 3,972 735,792 188,044,967 16,985,976 5,177,590 0.30
 2007 3,873 732,120 247,177,109 23,891,885 35,900,101 1.50
 2008 4,111 782,993 329,014,175 36,876,815 30,323,845 0.82
 2009 4,857 886,455 313,149,455 31,656,063 10,612,388 0.34
 2010 4,540 847,555 270,447,416 28,379,258 36,264,432 1.28
 2011 4,798 912,003 405,360,428 46,156,932 30,131,982 0.65
 2012 4,836 920,951 407,836,913 40,453,857 28,791,652 0.71
 2013 4,977 944,758 433,243,343 40,042,686 13,950,297 0.35
 2014 4,942 931,587 366,349,530 33,847,234 7,076,761 0.21
4,657 905,264 335,542,722 31,901,513 8,501,371 0.27
 2016 4,438 883,236 301,659,067 29,625,241 10,838,507 0.37
 2017 4,252 851,591 319,539,186 32,370,406 4,277,764 0.13
 2018 4,495 855,331 334,730,502 29,076,089 17,910,688 0.62
Data current as of March 11, 2019. For current data go to RMA's Summary of Business tool.
Where to Buy Crop Insurance
All multi-peril crop insurance, including Catastrophic Risk Protection policies, are available from private crop insurance agents. A list of crop insurance agents is available at all USDA service centers and on the RMA website.
USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. To file a complaint of discrimination, write: USDA, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (866) 632-9992 (Toll-free Customer Service), (800) 877-8339 (Local or Federal relay), (866) 377-8642 (Relay voice users).