Insurable Crops
Coverage Value
Crop Value
Percent Insured
Citron 0 0 NA
Citrus 2,303,408 3,495,029 66%
Coffee 4,479,401 7,159,581 63%
Farinaceous 16,685,112 24,266,906
Fruit Orchards
2,217,625  4,808,792 46%
Sugar Cane
9,855 13,140 75%
Vegetables 1,797,945 3,724,570 48%
15 Year Crop Insurance History for Puerto Rico
Year Policies Earning


Coverage Value
Gross Premium
Losses Loss Ratio
2004 9,726 73,253 117,740,872 7,387,292 20,948,829 2.84
2005 10,071 68,470 112,345,709 8,679,028 1,246,454 0.14
2006 9,925 70,669 103,397,316 8,167,307 861 0.00
2007 9,276 66,869 94,792,846 7,578,587 1,114,716 0.15
2008 9,664 64,920 93,866,161 7,839,601 1,315,536 0.17
2009 8,285 55,415 73,685,930 5,767,434 9,099 0.00
2010 7,446 49,887 67,297,135 5,296,615 1,392,436 0.26
2011 7,673 49,173 65,147,603 5,316,922 5,606,775 1.05
2012 7,328 45,683 60,422,353
5,041,041 152,026 0.03
2013 7,527 45,761 60,910,189 5,095,076 0
2014 7,480
43,683 53,164,653 4,081,902 11,212 0.00
2015 7,026 40,191 52,539,391 4,178,913 0 0.00
2016 7,096 40,569 53,445,688 4,108,933 5,835 0.00
2017 6,810 38,572 48,580,566 3,538,921 30,516,133 8.62
2018*  4,221  16,667  27,493,347  2,651,237  0 0.00

*Data current as of March 13, 2019. For current data go to RMA’s Summary of Business tool.

Note: One Cuerdas = 0.971212 acres

Where to Buy Crop Insurance
All multi-peril crop insurance, including Catastrophic Risk Protection policies, are available from private crop insurance agents. A list of crop insurance agents is available at all USDA service centers and on RMA’s website.
USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. To file a complaint of discrimination, write: USDA, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (866) 632-9992 (Toll-free Customer Service), (800) 877-8339 (Local or Federal relay), (866) 377-8642 (Relay voice users).