Growers with Fall-Seeded Forage Crops Need to Make Insurance Decisions Soon
RALEIGH, N.C., June 30, 2017 — USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA) reminds Maryland fall-seeded forage growers that the final date to apply for crop insurance coverage for the 2018 crop year is July 31, 2017. Current policy holders also have until July 31 to make changes to existing contracts.
Crop insurance provides protection against a loss in production due to natural perils such as adverse weather conditions, failure of irrigation water supply, fire, insects or plant disease, or wildlife. Newly-seeded acreage of alfalfa and forage mixtures containing at least 50 percent (by weight) alfalfa, clover, birdsfoot trefoil, or any other locally recognized and approved forage legume species may be covered under the policy in some Maryland counties.
Fall-seeded forage acreage must be planted by August 31, 2017 in Allegany and Garrett counties, and by September 10, 2017, in Baltimore, Carroll, Cecil, Frederick, Harford, Howard, Montgomery, and Washington counties. Coverage ends the date of the total destruction of the crop, initial harvest, commencement of grazing, the final adjustment of a loss, or abandonment of the crop, whichever is earliest.
Fall-seeded forage growers are encouraged to visit their crop insurance agent to learn specific details for the 2018 crop year. A list of crop insurance agents is available at all USDA Service Centers and online at the RMA Agent Locator. Growers can use the RMA Cost Estimator to get a premium amount estimate of their insurance needs online.
For more information about crop insurance and the modern farm safety net visit
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Risk Management Agency:
4405 Bland Road, Suite 160
Raleigh, NC 27609-6293
Kevin Wooten, Director
FPAC Press Desk