All Risk Management Agency Field Offices
All Other Interested Parties
The Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) Board of Directors (Board) approved the following modifications to the Apiculture (API) pilot program beginning with the 2018 crop year:
- Replace the Vegetation Index (VI)-API with the Rainfall Index (RI)-API program in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming;
- Expand RI-API to 19 states;
- Remove the RI capping process for API program.
Any Vegetation Index Apiculture (VI-API) policies in force for the 2017 insurance year must be cancelled by the cancellation/termination date specified in the policy for 2017. Approved Insurance Providers (AIPs) are encouraged to cancel these policies in a timely manner to provide producers adequate time to consider the RI-API plan of insurance and to make appropriate decisions.
Producers currently enrolled in the VI-API pilot may be eligible for the RI-API pilot if they meet the “Insurable Interest” definition found in the Apiculture Crop Provisions. Qualified producers who were enrolled in the VI-API pilot program in 2017 and who enroll in the RI-API pilot for 2018 will be considered carry-over insureds and will not have been considered to have a break in continuity for insurance coverage purposes. Producers who had VI-API must complete a new application prior to the SCD if they wish to obtain RI-API. Producers must use the Grid ID Locator found on the RMA web site at: to establish the grid id for the RI-API program.
Interested producers should contact a crop insurance agent for further information. A list of agents can be found on the RMA web site:
Questions regarding these modifications may be directed to DISPOSAL DATE: December 31, 2017