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Product Management Bulletin-PM-17-056

All Approved Insurance Providers
All Risk Management Agency Field Offices
All Other Interested Parties
Richard H. Flournoy Deputy Administrator /s/ Richard H. Flournoy 9/19/2017
2018 Crop Year (CY) Malting Barley Endorsement Projected Price Component and Volatility Factor, 2018 CY Margin Protection Plan Projected Prices and Volatility Factors and 2018 CY Margin Protection Plan with Harvest Price Option Projected Prices and Volatility Factors

Malting Barley Endorsement

The Malting Barley Endorsement (MBE) utilizes a Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) soft red wheat price component to derive the 2018 CY projected price for any insured whose malt barley contract provides for a premium amount above or below a base price to be determined, and whose base price is not determined by the acreage reporting date. Please see the MBE for details:

Malt Barley TypeExchangeContractProjected Price ComponentVolatility Factor
Fall Planted TypeCBOTSeptember SRW Wheat$5.02/bushel0.18

Margin Protection Plan and Margin Protection Plan with Harvest Price Option*

The following 2018 CY margin projected prices and volatility factors are approved for the Margin Protection Plan. The margin projected price is used in conjunction with projected input prices and the expected county yield to derive the expected margin (per acre), trigger margin (per acre) and liability. The expected margins for each crop/county are available at the following web page on RMA’s public website: Please see the following web page on RMA’s public website for program details: Margin Protection for Corn, Rice, Soybeans, and Wheat.

Crop/State(s)/TypeExchangeContractMargin Projected PriceVolatility Factor
Corn – Grain Type All Insured StatesCBOTDecember Corn$3.97/bushel0.18
Soybeans All Insured StatesCBOTNovember Soybeans$9.66/bushel0.16
Wheat – Hard Red Spring Type Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota & South DakotaMGESeptember HRS Wheat$6.30/bushel0.30
*Corn for silage yields are set equal to corn for grain yields and are measured in bu/acre. Preliminary yields were updated on 9/14/17 on the price discovery website.

December 31, 2017