All Risk Management Agency Field Offices
All Other Interested Parties
On May 21, 2020, the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation Board of Directors approved the Production and Revenue History (PRH) Pilot Crop Insurance Program for strawberries. The Risk Management Agency (RMA) developed PRH for specialty crops to provide revenue coverage in addition to yield coverage. Features of the program include:
- A choice of Yield or one of two revenue plans—Revenue Protection and Revenue Protection Plus
- Coverage based on the producer’s personal yield and revenue histories, generating individualized coverage
- Requirement of annual revenue reporting in addition to customary production reporting
The program is effective for the 2021 crop year in Hardee, Hillsborough, Manatee, and Polk counties, Florida. The program will be effective for the 2022 crop year in California counties where the Actual Revenue History Strawberry crop insurance program is available.
The following documents will be available by close of business today on the RMA website at
- PRH General Provisions (21-PRH)
- PRH Strawberry Crop Provisions (2021-PRH-0154)
- PRH Standards Handbook (FCIC-24380)
The 2021 crop year sales closing date for the PRH Strawberry Program in Florida is August 31, 2020. Interested producers should contact a crop insurance agent for further information. A list of agents can be found on the RMA website at
Additional information regarding implementing the PRH Strawberry Program in California will be released in a future Informational Memorandum on the RMA website in time for sales for the 2022 crop year.
DISPOSAL DATE: December 31, 2020