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In accordance with the Dry Bean Revenue Endorsement and the Dry Pea Revenue Endorsement, the Risk Management Agency (RMA) approved 2025 CY projected prices for the following plans of insurance: Yield Protection, Revenue Protection, and Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion. RMA approved 2025 CY volatility factors for the Revenue Protection and Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion plans of insurance.
As authorized by the Special Provisions, in states where the Dry Bean Revenue Endorsement is offered, RMA is providing additional projected prices for select dry bean types that do not have price movement coverage under the Dry Bean Revenue Endorsement. Per the Special Provisions, the additional projected price shall be the basis for the premium determination and settlement of claims.
As authorized by the Special Provisions, in states with the Actual Production History plan of insurance, RMA is providing established prices for dry bean types that have price movement coverage under the Dry Bean Revenue Endorsement.
These values will be available at the following locations on RMA’s website by March 5, 2025:
January 31, 2026