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Product Management Bulletin-PM-24-054 Actual Revenue History Pilot Cherry Insurance Program Changes Effective for the 2025 and Succeeding Crop Years

All Approved Insurance Providers
All Risk Management Agency Field Offices
All Other Interested Parties
Richard H. Flournoy, Deputy Administrator /s/ Richard H. Flournoy 8/29/2024
Actual Revenue History (ARH) Pilot Cherry Insurance Program Changes Effective for the 2025 and Succeeding Crop Years


In response to requests for clarification from the industry, the Risk Management Agency (RMA) revised the provisions regarding the annual price for diverted production in the Actual Revenue History (ARH) Tart Cherry for Processing Pilot Crop Provisions.
Revisions were also made to the ARH Pilot Endorsement, ARH Sweet Cherry Pilot Crop Provisions, and the ARH Tart Cherry for Processing Crop Provisions to clarify the order of priority in the event of a conflict within the ARH policies and to specify that the Whole Farm unit provisions in the Common Crop Insurance Provisions, Basic Provisions do not apply to the cherry insurance program.


The following documents will be available by close of business today on the RMA website at

  • ARH Pilot Endorsement (2025-ARH)
  • ARH Sweet Cherry Pilot Crop Provisions (2025-0057-Sweet)
  • ARH Tart Cherry for Processing Pilot Crop Provisions (2025-0057-Tart)
  • ARH Sweet Cherry Pilot Insurance Standards Handbook (24190)
  • ARH Tart Cherry for Processing Pilot Insurance Standards Handbook (24330)
  • ARH Sweet Cherry Pilot Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (25670)
  • ARH Tart Cherry Pilot Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (25900)

Approved insurance providers must notify policyholders of these changes at least 30 days prior to the cancellation date, as required by the policy.

Interested producers should contact a crop insurance agent for further information. A list of agents can be found on the RMA website at

December 31, 2024