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Product Management Bulletin-PM-24-056 Whole-Farm Revenue Protection Pilot Plan of Insurance and Micro Farm Changes Effective for the 2025 and Succeeding Policy Years

All Approved Insurance Providers
All Risk Management Agency Field Offices
All Other Interested Parties
Richard H. Flournoy, Deputy Administrator /s/ Richard H. Flournoy 8/30/2024
Whole-Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP) Pilot Plan of Insurance and Micro Farm Changes Effective for the 2025 and Succeeding Policy Years


The Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018 (Farm Bill) included language to improve the effectiveness of WFRP. The Risk Management Agency (RMA) continues to solicit stakeholder recommendations. In response to feedback from local foods producers, grower organizations, and industry partners including Approved Insurance Providers (AIP) and agent organizations, RMA recommended changes to WFRP and Micro Farm to the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation Board of Directors (Board).

On August 22, 2024, the Board approved the following changes to the WFRP plan of insurance and to the Micro Farm program, applicable for the 2025 and succeeding policy years:

  • For WFRP, clarify that for single commodity producers with revenue protection available for their commodity, only the revenue plans under the Common Crop Insurance Policy, Basic Provisions and identified as Revenue Protection or Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion (plans 02 and 03) in the actuarial documents trigger ineligibility.
    • This means if there is another revenue plan (e.g., Production and Revenue History) available other than those listed above, a single commodity producer may be eligible for WFRP.
  • For Micro Farm, allow eligible producers that qualify as Beginning Farmers and Ranchers or Veteran Farmers and Ranchers to use another producer’s farm operation records to establish a per acre expected value for an operation they now own or lease.
    • The producer must have participated materially in the operation or management of the farm operation.
    • The other producer must certify their involvement of the operation and give permission to use their records.


The following materials will be available by close of business today on the RMA website at

  • Whole-Farm Revenue Protection Pilot Policy (25-0076)
  • Micro Farm Policy (25-MF-WFRP)
  • Whole-Farm Revenue Protection Fact Sheet
  • Whole-Farm Revenue Protection Guidance for Lenders Fact Sheet
  • Micro Farm Program Fact Sheet

AIPs must notify policyholders of these changes at least 30 days prior to the cancellation date, as required by the policy.

Interested producers should contact a crop insurance agent for further information. A list of agents can be found on the RMA website at

December 31, 2024