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Processing Sweet Corn

PM-24-082 Flax Revenue and Expanded Unit Options for Crop Insurance Final Rule Effective for the 2025 and Succeeding Crop Years


On November 27, 2024, the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) published a final rule in the Federal Register that amended the Area Risk Protection Insurance (ARPI), Basic Provisions, and various Crop Provisions.

The following changes apply for the 2025 and succeeding crop years for the November 30, 2024, contract change date and for the 2026 and succeeding crop years for crops with earlier contract change dates:


The Risk Management Agency (RMA) issued Product Management Bulletin PM-22-072 on November 28, 2022, announcing changes to the Small Grains Crop Provisions and the Small Grains Crop Provisions were released at that time. The amended Small Grains Crop Provisions expanded revenue coverage to oats and rye, matching available coverage for barley and wheat. The changes are effective for spring oats for the 2023 and succeeding crop years and for winter oats and rye for the 2024 and succeeding crop years.


The Risk Management Agency (RMA) published a Final Rule with Comment in the Federal Register, effective for the 2017 and succeeding crop years, which revised the Crop Provisions that contained Prevented Planting coverage levels for all crops with a 2017 contract change date on or after November 23, 2016, and for the 2018 and succeeding crop years for all crops with a 2017 contract change date prior to November 23, 2016.



The Federal Crop Insurance Corporation has expanded the number of counties where certain crops are insurable for the 2019 and 2020 crop year. The following attachments, 2019 Expansion of Existing Perennial and Spring Crops Programs and 2020 Expansion of Existing Perennial Crops Programs, lists the expansion by crop, state, and county for permanently-established (non-pilot) programs.


Approved Insurance Providers should advise producers of the expanded county crop programs for the 2019 and 2020 crop year.
