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Livestock Risk Protection



Per LPRA Appendix IV, AIPs shall identify and conduct an inspection on any eligible livestock price insurance contract (ELPIC) with an indemnity of $200,000 or more.1 On April 12, 2019, RMA issued COM-19-001 to address the $200,000 Indemnity Review ($200K Review) requirements for aggregating losses by endorsement or insurance period for the Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP), Livestock Gross Margin (LGM), and Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) plans of insurance.



The Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) Board of Directors (Board) approved revisions to the Livestock Risk Protection (LRP), Livestock Gross Margin (LGM), Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) plans of insurance under section 508(h) of the Federal Crop Insurance Act. The following revisions are applicable for the 2025 and succeeding crop years:

Livestock Risk Protection changes include:



Due to the continuing severe drought conditions impacting many parts of the nation, producers are struggling to find adequate supplies of feed or forage, causing them to market their livestock sooner than anticipated.

The Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Basic Provisions requires livestock to be owned by the producer within the last 60 days of the insurance period or the endorsement is terminated with premium owed, but no indemnities payable.



The Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) Board of Directors (Board) approved revisions to the Livestock Risk Protection (LRP)-Fed Cattle plan of insurance under section 508(h) of the Federal Crop Insurance Act on February 17, 2023, and April 19, 2023. The FCIC Board also approved revisions to the Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) plans of insurance under section 508(h) of the Federal Crop Insurance Act on May 19, 2022, and April 19, 2023. Updates were also made to the Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) program.

Actuarial 23-016

As of April 28, 2023 the following information is now available on the FTP site:

  • 2021 Actuarial Data Master for the 8/31 Filing Date, YTD, and Daily Files.
  • 2022 Actuarial Data Master for the 8/31, 10/31 Filing Date, YTD, and Daily Files.
  • 2024 Actuarial Data Master for the 4/30 Filing Date, YTD, and Daily Files.
  • 2024 Special Provisions for the 4/30 Filing Date.

Users can find this information in the following directories:

Actuarial 23-013

As of April 04, 2023 the following information is now available on the FTP site:

  • 2024 Actuarial Data Master for the 4/30 Filing Date, YTD, and Daily Files.
  • 2024 Special Provisions for the 4/30 Filing Date.

Users can find this information in the following directories:

  • 2024 Actuarial Data Master are in the References/Actuarial_Data_Master/2024 directory.
  • 2024 Special Provisions are in the Special_Provisions/2024 directory.

Additional notes and details regarding this data release:

Actuarial 22-029

As of July 25, 2022 the following information is now available on the FTP site:

  • 2022 Actuarial Data Master for the 4/30, 8/31 Filing Date, YTD, and Daily Files.
  • 2023 Actuarial Data Master for the 4/30, 6/30 Filing Date, YTD, and Daily Files.

Users can find this information in the following directories:



Due to the continuing severe drought conditions impacting many parts of the nation, producers are struggling to find adequate supplies of feed or forage, causing them to market their livestock sooner than anticipated. In response, the United States Department of Agriculture has announced measures to assist producers affected by severe weather events including drought.

Actuarial 22-020

As of April 29, 2022 the following information is now available on the FTP site:

  • 2020 Actuarial Data Master for the 8/31 Filing Date, YTD, and Daily Files.
  • 2021 Actuarial Data Master for the 8/31, 10/31 Filing Date, YTD, and Daily Files.
  • 2023 Actuarial Data Master for the 4/30 Filing Date, YTD, and Daily Files.
  • 2023 Special Provisions for the 4/30 Filing Date.

Users can find this information in the following directories: