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Cotton Extra Long Staple


In accordance with Section 15 of the ARPI Crop Provisions, Section 10 of the SCO Endorsement, Section 10 of the ECO Endorsement, and Section 9 of the STAX Cotton Crop Provisions, approved final county yields, final county revenues, and payment factors for the 2023 crop year will be available by close of business today in the following formats:

Actuarial Release–24-024

As of July 02, 2024 the following information is now available on the FTP site:

  • 2023 Actuarial Data Master for the 8/31, 11/30, 12/31 Filing Date, YTD, and Daily Files.
  • 2025 Actuarial Data Master for the 4/30 Filing Date, YTD, and Daily Files. 

Users can find this information in the following directories:



In accordance with the Special Provisions, Price B will be established by adding premiums and/or discounts associated with the predominant cotton quality characteristics, as determined by the Farm Service Agency, to the Upland and Extra Long Staple (ELS) Cotton National Average Loan Rates. The predominant quality characteristics of cotton in each state are determined from the most recent three years of Agricultural Marketing Service cotton classing data.

Actuarial 23-021

As of June 22, 2023 the following information is now available on the FTP site:

  • 2022 Actuarial Data Master for the 8/31, 11/30, 12/31 Filing Date, YTD, and Daily Files.
  • 2023 Actuarial Data Master for the 6/30, 11/30 Filing Date, YTD, and Daily Files.

Users can find this information in the following directories:

Actuarial 23-001

As of January 11, 2023 the following information is now available on the FTP site:

  • 2022 Actuarial Data Master for the 11/30 Filing Date, YTD, and Daily Files.
  • 2023 Actuarial Data Master for the 8/31, 11/30 Filing Date, YTD, and Daily Files.

Users can find this information in the following directories:

Actuarial 22-028

As of July 08, 2022 the following information is now available on the FTP site:

  • 2021 Actuarial Data Master for the 8/31, 11/30, 12/31 Filing Date, YTD, and Daily Files.

Users can find this information in the following directories:

  • 2021 Actuarial Data Master are in the References/Actuarial_Data_Master/2021 directory.

Additional notes and details regarding this data release:

Actuarial 22-004

As of January 12, 2022 the following information is now available on the FTP site:

  • 2022 Actuarial Data Master for the 6/30, 11/30 Filing Date, YTD, and Daily Files.

Users can find this information in the following directories:

  • 2022 Actuarial Data Master are in the References/Actuarial_Data_Master/2022 directory.

Additional notes and details regarding this data release:

Actuarial 15-047

As of November 27, 2015 the following information is now available on the FTP site:

  • 2015 Actuarial Data Master for the 4/30, 8/31 Filing Date, YTD, and Daily Files.
  • 2016 Actuarial Data Master for the 6/30, 8/31, 9/30, 10/31, 11/30 Filing Date, YTD, and Daily Files.
  • 2016 Special Provisions for the 11/30 Filing Date.

Users can find this information in the following directories: