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The 2019 Appendix III to the Standard Reinsurance Agreement and the Livestock Price Reinsurance Agreement (Appendix III) has been updated with approved modifications. Appendix III is available electronically via the Risk Management Agency (RMA) website.

Modifications in the 2019 Appendix III include:

Data narrative changes that included:


The Risk Management Agency (RMA) has released a revised 2019 Livestock Price Reinsurance Agreement (LPRA) Appendix II, with changes to Exhibits V(b) and (c) in the 2019 LPRA Plan of Operation Template at These exhibits were revised to include the new Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) plan of insurance, to be implemented later this year. DRP will be available in all states.


The Agricultural Act of 2014 (2014 Act) authorized the Margin Protection Program for Dairy (MPP-Dairy). MPP-Dairy, administered by the Farm Service Agency (FSA), is a voluntary program that offers both catastrophic coverage and various levels of buy-up coverage.


The Risk Management Agency (RMA) has released the 2019 Standard Reinsurance Agreement (SRA) and Appendices I, II, and IV, and the 2019 Livestock Price Reinsurance Agreement (LPRA) and Appendices I, II, and IV, which become effective July 1, 2018. The documents are located on the RMA website at The draft Appendix III that provides standards, procedure and instructions for reporting data to RMA will be issued by May 2018.

The following revisions/additions were made:


Applied Analytics Group (AAG), the developers of the Livestock Risk Protection – Fed Cattle/Feeder Cattle/Swine (LRP-Fed Cattle/Feeder Cattle/Swine) plans of insurance, advised the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) Board of Directors (Board) of their intent to continue maintenance of the LRP-Fed Cattle/Feeder Cattle/Swine plans of insurance and charge a user fee to approved insurance providers (AIP) selling the plan.


American Sheep Industry Association (ASI), the developers of the Livestock Risk Protection – Lamb (LRP-Lamb) plan of insurance, advised the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) Board of Directors (Board) of their intent to continue maintenance of the LRP-Lamb plan of insurance and charge a user fee to approved insurance providers (AIP) selling the plan. Section 522(b)(4)(C) of the Federal Crop Insurance Act (Act) allows submitters to maintain approved 508(h) products and charge a user fee to approved insurance providers (AIP) that elect to sell the policy.