The Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018 (Farm Bill) enacted on December 20, 2018, includes language in Section 11122 to improve effectiveness of WFRP. Per the Farm Bill, the Risk Management Agency (RMA) held several stakeholder meetings with agents, producers, and grower groups to solicit recommendations to increase flexibility and effectiveness of the program. As a result of these meetings, RMA presented several changes to the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation Board of Directors (FCIC Board).
The Risk Management Agency (RMA) modified the Regional Office Exceptions (ROE) system to store documents and other information for nursery catalogs, eliminating the need to use the Legacy SharePoint site for catalog submissions.
For the 2019 and subsequent Reinsurance Years (RY), Approved Insurance Providers (AIPs) will submit all nursery catalogs through the ROE system using the existing R35 lite method described in the 2019 Appendix III to the Standard Reinsurance Agreement.
Hurricane Michael caused catastrophic damage in many counties in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia. The Risk Management Agency (RMA), in conjunction with Approved Insurance Providers (AIPs), recognize the need for authorizing emergency procedures that will streamline certain loss determinations on specific crops, accelerating the adjustment of losses and issuance of indemnity payments to crop insurance policyholders in impacted areas.
Nursery Inventory Software (EPLPPS)
The Nursery Inventory Software, also called the Application Software, assists wholesale nursery growers in establishing their insurable plant inventory value. The software lists all insurable nursery plants and their maximum insurable value. The software also specifies plant insurability requirements, including storage protection requirements for containerized plants and hardiness limitations for all plants. The print option provides a hardcopy listing of selected plants, along with insurability information for each plant and total valuations.
The Risk Management Agency (RMA) has revised the Nursery Crop Provisions to incorporate changes made in the Final Rule correcting amendment published in the Federal Register on March 23, 2018. The Nursery Crop Provisions (19-0073) are effective for the 2019 and succeeding crop years.
The Risk Management Agency (RMA) has revised the Nursery Crop Provisions to incorporate changes made in the Final Rule published in the Federal Register on January 31, 2018. The Nursery Crop Provisions (19-0073) are effective for the 2019 and succeeding crop years.
RMA will place, by close of business today, the Nursery Crop Provisions for the 2019 crop year on the RMA website at