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Yield Protection



On November 19, 2020, RMA released the 2021 Enhanced Coverage Option Endorsement (21-ECO) and 2021 Enhanced Coverage Option Insurance Standards Handbook (FCIC-24400) on the RMA website. ECO provides area-based coverage for a portion of the policyholder’s underlying policy deductible like the Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO). The underlying policy must be under the Basic Provisions of the Common Crop Insurance Policy –Yield Protection, Revenue Protection, Revenue Protection with the Harvest Price Exclusion, Yield Based Dollar Amount of Insurance, and APH policies.


Dry Pea and Dry Bean Crop Provisions and Revenue Endorsement

The approved 2015 CY projected prices shown below are for the Yield Protection, Revenue Protection, and Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion plans of insurance. The approved 2015 CY volatility factors shown below are for the Revenue Protection and Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion plans of insurance. The projected prices and volatility factors are applicable for the states, crops, and types indicated in the subsequent tables.


The 2016 CY projected prices shown below are approved for the following plans of insurance: Yield Protection, Area Yield Protection, Revenue Protection, Area Revenue Protection, Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion and Area Revenue Protection - Harvest Price Exclusion. The 2016 CY volatility factors shown below are approved for the following plans of insurance: Revenue Protection, Area Revenue Protection, Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion and Area Revenue Protection - Harvest Price Exclusion.


Common Crop Insurance Policy & Area Risk Protection Insurance 1

The 2016 CY projected prices shown below are approved for the Yield Protection, Area Yield Protection, Revenue Protection, Area Revenue Protection, Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion and Area Revenue Protection - Harvest Price Exclusion plans of insurance. The 2016 CY volatility factors shown below are approved for the Revenue Protection, Area Revenue Protection, Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion and Area Revenue Protection - Harvest Price Exclusion plans of insurance.


Common Crop Insurance Policy1

The 2019 CY projected prices shown below are approved for the Yield Protection, Revenue Protection, and Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion plans of insurance. The 2019 CY volatility factors shown below are approved for the Revenue Protection and Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion plans of insurance. The projected prices and volatility factors are applicable for the crop, types, and states indicated in the following table.