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Revenue Protection


Due to changes in WFRP commodity lists for the 2017 crop year, some commodities may now have multiple commodity codes available, a primary commodity code, and separate commodity codes related to specific types or practices of the commodity. For example, actuarial documents may list the primary commodity code and separate commodity codes for specific types or practices, such as Fresh Market and Processing, or Irrigated, Nonirrigated, Summerfallow, and Continuous cropping.


Common Crop Insurance Policy & Area Risk Protection Insurance 1, 2

The 2020 CY harvest prices shown below are approved for the following plans of insurance: Revenue Protection, Area Revenue Protection, Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion and Area Revenue Protection – Harvest Price Exclusion. The harvest prices are applicable for the crops, types, practices, sales closing dates and states indicated in the following table.



The Risk Management Agency (RMA) and the Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) submitter identified that there is potential for prices to vary from the market-closing price established on Friday afternoon as compared to prices when trading resumes on Sunday afternoon.



On December 19, 2019, the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation Board of Directors approved the Hemp APH Insurance Program, a privately developed product submitted under section 508(h) of the Federal Crop Insurance Act. It is available for the 2020 crop year for producers in certain counties in Alabama, California, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, and Wisconsin.


Common Crop Insurance Policy & Area Risk Protection Insurance 1,2

The 2019 CY harvest prices shown below are approved for the following plans of insurance: Revenue Protection, Area Revenue Protection, Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion and Area Revenue Protection – Harvest Price Exclusion. The harvest prices are applicable for the crops, practices, sales closing dates and states indicated in the following table.



Organic Rice Price Factor

The Risk Management Agency (RMA) offers distinct organic practice rice prices. The definitions and specifications for the organic practice rice prices are provided in the ‘Commodity Exchange Price Provisions (CEPP) Section II: Rice’ document.

The following 2020 CY organic practice price factor will be applied to the conventional practice rice prices, in accordance with the CEPP, to derive the organic practice rice prices: