As of July 17, 2024 the following information is now available on the FTP site:
- 2025 Actuarial Data Master for the 4/30, 6/30 Filing Date, YTD, and Daily Files.
Users can find this information in the following directories:
- 2025 Actuarial Data Master are in the References/Actuarial_Data_Master/2025 directory.
Additional notes and details regarding this data release:
The Federal Crop Insurance Corporation has expanded the number of counties where certain crops are insurable for the 2025 crop year having a June 30 contract change date. The following attachment, 2025 Expansion of Existing Fall Crop Programs, lists the expansion by crop, state, and county.
Approved Insurance Providers should advise producers of the expanded county crop programs for the 2025 crop year.
December 31, 2024.
Today, June 27, 2024, the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) published a final rule in the Federal Register that amended Subpart J (Appeal Procedure), Common Crop Insurance Policy (CCIP), Basic Provisions and Area Risk Protection Insurance (ARPI), Basic Provisions, and various Crop Provisions.
In accordance with Section 15 of the ARPI Crop Provisions, Section 10 of the ECO Endorsement, Section 14 of the MP Crop Provisions, and Section 10 of the SCO Endorsement, approved final county yields, final county revenues, harvest revenues, harvest margins and payment factors for the 2023 crop year will be available by close of business May 15, 2024, in the following formats: