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Whole-Farm Revenue Protection


Dry Pea and Dry Bean Crop Provisions and Revenue Endorsement1

The approved 2016 CY projected prices shown below are for the Yield Protection, Revenue Protection, and Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion plans of insurance. The approved 2016 CY volatility factors shown below are for the Revenue Protection and Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion plans of insurance. The projected prices and volatility factors are applicable for the states, crops, and types indicated in the subsequent tables.


The 2016 CY projected prices shown below are approved for the following plans of insurance: Yield Protection, Area Yield Protection, Revenue Protection, Area Revenue Protection, Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion and Area Revenue Protection - Harvest Price Exclusion. The 2016 CY volatility factors shown below are approved for the following plans of insurance: Revenue Protection, Area Revenue Protection, Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion and Area Revenue Protection - Harvest Price Exclusion.


Common Crop Insurance Policy & Area Risk Protection Insurance 1

The 2016 CY projected prices shown below are approved for the Yield Protection, Area Yield Protection, Revenue Protection, Area Revenue Protection, Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion and Area Revenue Protection - Harvest Price Exclusion plans of insurance. The 2016 CY volatility factors shown below are approved for the Revenue Protection, Area Revenue Protection, Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion and Area Revenue Protection - Harvest Price Exclusion plans of insurance.


The CEPP peanut factors necessary to establish the insured’s amount of protection under the peanut program for the 2016 CY are identified below. The factors are applied to the commodity prices for wheat, cotton, soybean oil, and soybean meal during the discovery period of February 1, 2016 to February 28, 2016. These factors apply only to States with a Sales Closing Date (SCD) of March 15, 2016.


Common Crop Insurance Policy 1

The 2016 CY projected prices shown below are approved for the Yield Protection, Revenue Protection and Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion plans of insurance. The 2016 CY volatility factors shown below are approved for the Revenue Protection and Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion plans of insurance. The projected prices and volatility factors apply to policies with a January 31 sales closing date and are applicable for the crops, types, practices and states indicated below:


The CEPP peanut factors necessary to establish the insured’s amount of protection under the peanut program for the 2016 CY are identified below. The factors are applied to the commodity prices for wheat, cotton, soybean oil, and soybean meal during the discovery period of January 15, 2016 to February 14, 2016. These factors apply only to States with a Sales Closing Date (SCD) of February 28, 2016. They are determined in accordance with the Peanut Price Methodology guidelines.




When determining the amount payable for a Whole-Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP) claim, some sources of revenue in addition to direct sales of commodities are included as revenue-to-count. These sources of revenue may reflect income related to the commodities on the farm operation, such as income to compensate the producer for damage to insured commodities other than WFRP indemnities.

PM 19-022

The Federal Crop Insurance Corporation's Board of Directors (Board) approved revisions of the Dairy Revenue protection (DRP) plan of insurance on November 15, 2018. American Farm Bureau Insurance Services, Inc., owners of the DRP plan of insurance, requested the revisions.

The Board approved the following revisions:


The 2018 CY harvest prices shown below are approved for the following plans of insurance: Revenue Protection, Area Revenue Protection, Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion and Area Revenue Protection – Harvest Price Exclusion. The harvest prices are applicable for the crops, practices, sales closing dates and states indicated in the following table.